Below, Merrell during the song, "Turn Back, O Man"

Below, Merrell with Jerry and Robin, play-acting "The Good Samaritan"
From Robin: "Merrell was a sweet guy, often showing us his goofy side, which added to the film's spontaneous creation as we
went - always easy to get along with. When I think of him I see his big smile, and am glad I have his recording of All Good
Gifts - one of the best in Godspell history."

Below, Merrell and Katie
From Katie Hanley: "He was one of the most gentle souls I've ever known. Everything about him was kind and generous. He wouldn't
have imposed himself on anyone for anything in the world. He had a tender presence, and his face lit up a room. His singing
voice was miraculous, and the most beautiful, pure notes were sung in a way that seemed effortless. To have known Merrell
was to have received a unique gift. He was shy, but his generosity of spirit seemed to push beyond that in order to give to

Below, Merrell and Joanne
